Harvesters make progress in northern wheat states despite rainy weather

While wheat harvest is near completion in Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma, the northern wheat states of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado are in the beginning stages of harvest. Below are the USDA crop reports for the week of July 11.

Texas:  Irrigated wheat harvest is now near completion in areas of the Northern High Plains.

Oklahoma:  The early finish of wheat harvest has allowed farmers to get an early start and plowing fields. Sixty-eight percent of wheat ground had been plowed by Sunday, which is thirteen points ahead of the normal rate for this time.

Missouri:  Missouri winter wheat harvest is wrapping up with 97 percent of harvesting completed. This is the same as last year, but still one week ahead of normal.

Kansas:  Kansas winter wheat harvest was slowed down by last week’s rain, causing seven percent still needing to be harvested on Sunday. Northwestern farmers are lagging the farthest behind with 43 percent remaining to be harvested. Farmers in the North Central District still have nine percent remaining to be harvested.

 Colorado:  Ninety-seven percent of winter wheat in Colorado has turned color with sixty-one percent ripe and thirty-five percent harvested at the end of last week. Despite hail damage in the eastern regions of Colorado, the crop is rated in mostly fair to good condition.

 Nebraska:  Nebraska’s winter wheat crop has 96 percent turned color, which is behind last year’s of 98 percent and the average of 99 percent. Thirty-four percent of wheat has ripened, which is behind last year’s thirty-nine percent and ten days behind the average of sixty-five percent. Only 10 percent of wheat harvest has been completed, behind last year’s 21 percent and 10 days behind the average of 39 percent.

 South Dakota:  Hot and dry conditions contributed to good crop development in South Dakota. Winter wheat is now at 64 percent in turning color, which is behind the five-year average of 89 percent. The crop is rated 26 percent excellent, 55 percent good, 16 percent fair, three percent poor and zero percent very poor.

Montana:  High heat and winds have dried out fields and stressed crops that have recently seen weeks of substantial moisture. While crops are behind last year’s progress and the five-year average, progress was made in small grain development. Winter wheat is now 88 percent headed and four percent has turned color.

Wyoming:  While warmer temperatures have allowed crops to develop and make up for time lost during the spring, crop are still behind the five-year average for this time. Even though the percent rated good to excellent is down from last week, the crop condition remains positive. Ninety-six percent of winter wheat has headed in Wyoming.


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