Steph: Down in a valley

Today was the first that I can remember where I had to backtrack my steps into the camper and grab a sweater because of the chill in the air. During harvest time in Kansas, it is unheard of no matter what time of day it is.

Mom and I always play this game where when we’re driving around, we will point out really good looking wheat fields and say how nice it would be to cut that. This round of the game, the farmer must have heard us because we got a call and when he lead us to the field, sure enough it was one we had dubbed worthy. Yields were in the 40s but test weights rocked out at 64. Also, if anyone ever finds a water jug that does not leak after a week’s use, please let me know and I will buy 10.

Harvest tip: Always unload the grain cart into the truck on the driver’s side. If you do not do this, shenanigans such as spilling or hitting the truck will occur 99.9 percent of the time.

SO-St. Francis, Kan

Combining down in the valley. There was an 85 degree angle to get out of it.

SO-St. Francis, Kan

Brandon and I went up on the “bluffs” as  we called them and took some funny photos.

SO-St. Francis, Kan

Another fun angle.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at



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