Jenna: One job down, one to go

This morning we finished cutting for one of our two regular customers here in Limon, Colo. We moved to the second job and started cutting but had to quit early tonight on account of rain. Unfortunately, the forecast shows a chance of rain every day for the next week. Hopefully that won’t happen, as we need to finish here and move up the road as quickly as we can. Our next stop is in eastern-central Montana and it sounds like harvest could possibly begin near there sometime during this upcoming week.

'Z' Family
Christmas card photo? Probably. :] We took this family picture while my older sister, Jamie, was here visiting this past week. She flew back to Omaha on Thursday.

On our first job here in Limon, the farmers harvested part of their crop with their own Massey combines.

Jenna Zeorian can be reached at All Aboard 2009 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.


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