17 May Wheat crop progress continues
Wheat harvest is getting closer and as the crews begin to migrate south, we take a look at wheat condition reports across the plains.
Oklahoma –Twenty-seven tornadoes were reported early last week, putting Oklahoma in the national spotlight for their recent bout with Mother Nature. In addition to destructive tornadoes, high winds and hail also plagued the state. Despite the weather the wheat crop still falls in the good to fair range. Ninety-five percent of the crop has headed, and 41 percent is in the soft dough stage. Both numbers are slightly lower than the five-year average.
Nebraska – Wheat conditions in the Cornhusker state remain mostly good, with some excellent and fair. Producers report that wheat has not been damaged by the recent cold spell, with some areas receiving almost a foot of snow, but no growth has been visible. Wheat across the state ranges from jointed to near boot stage in the southeast, while the Panhandle reports wheat just starting to joint.
Kansas – Heads are beginning to emerge, but producers are concerned with disease levels this year. Sixty-four percent of wheat has headed. The condition of the wheat crop has been rated two percent very poor, seven percent poor, 28 percent fair, 52 percent good and 11 percent excellent. Disease infestation continues to worsen. Twenty percent is now reported to have light infestation and five percent with moderate infestation. Powdery mildew, stripe and leaf rust have been reported.
Colorado – Colorado’s wheat crop is rated in mostly fair condition. Winter wheat was reported 79 percent jointed; this is behind the five-year average of 89 percent. Six percent is reported headed, compared to a 26 percent average. Spring Wheat was 92 percent seeded at the end of last week, with 63 percent emerged.
South Dakota – Ninety-two percent of spring wheat has been planted in South Dakota, with 70 percent emerged. Twenty-seven percent of winter wheat is in the boot stage, an increase of 14 percentage points compared to last year.
Texas – Rain fell in most areas of the state ranging from .01 inch to 10 inches. In the Northern High Plains some wheat is stressed and burned due to high winds and hot weather earlier in the week. In the Southern High Plains most wheat is in the grain development stage. Many fields in that area have been cut and baled for hay.
For more information e-mail crew@allaboardharvest.com All Aboard 2010 Wheat harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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