04 Jun Jada: Sick in the South
Last week, our farmer in Texas notified us that his crop was going to be ready by Memorial Day. Other people were harvesting by the end of last week but his wheat still had a little green in it. After notification of the happenings in the South, we started getting last minute things ready to go.
The crew begins the long trip south. Texas bound for another wheat harvest.
Harvest seemed to come sooner than expected as usual. We got the two week notice but when two weeks came and went we still didn’t seem ready to leave. One of our crew members is still not here. He flies in on Monday, June 7, and then will need to get the proper licenses before he joins us. Our cattle are still calving and the crops were finished being seeded the day before we left. In addition to this, some of the crew and me got sick with some kind of bug.
Despite all the items stacked against us, all the preparations were finalized on Friday and we were scheduled to leave on Saturday. That morning I woke I up knowing I didn’t feel well enough to go with. We left later in the day because I felt a little better. Since we weren’t wide loads, our group of three could drive after the sunset. We drove to Elm Creek, NE and spent the night at the truck stop.
The long haul means a few stops. Carsten fills up the truck.
Leon and the rest of the crew stayed in Pratt, KS. The next day they had to load our combines in Kiowa, KS. This allowed Carsten, Kaidence and I to catch up to the rest of the crew in Clinton, OK. The trip went good with minimal problems and we all were more than happy to be in Olney! Unfortunately, I was not feeling completely well the whole way and got a relapse of the bug on Monday night. Today I am finally feeling better and not bed bound. I can honestly say this is the first time I remember anyone on our crew being sick when we left. Sometimes it isn’t good to be working in close quarters. I give a thumb up to our crew who was sick and survived the trip. I also thank the Campbell’s for taking care of Kaidence when I was sick. It’s nice to have good friends on the trail.
Kaidence thinks she needs to drive, but I think she needs to wait about 15 years.
Jada can be reached at jada@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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