05 Aug Jenna: Outstanding crop in Montana
Jordan, Mont. – It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in but harvest is going really well for us in Montana. Mom and Dad returned from Colorado with the combine and rest of the equipment on Sunday and were able to get in the field that afternoon.
Since then, we’ve been able to cut everyday and should be finished with our first job by the end of the today. The wheat, so far, has been outstanding. As in, it’s one of the best crops, if not the best, that we’ve ever cut here in Jordan. In an area where the wheat averages around 15-20 bushels per acre, we are seeing an average of 55-60 bushels per acre with spots making up to 100. The protein is 12-13 percent and the test weight has ranged from 59 pounds all the way up to almost 64 pounds. It’s so great to see such a bumper crop here!
I’ve been enjoying the time here at our “second home” and catching up with old friends. My sisters and I even spent some time at the lake with friends and were invited to a big ol’ birthday party/family get-together by one of our adoptive families.
What’s great about Jordan is that it’s the kind of town and the kind of people where, even though it’s been an entire year since we’ve been here, now that we’re back, we’re treated like we never left.
Here are a few photos from the past couple of days.
Swimming with friends at the lake north of Jordan. Riley, Tristan, Julianne, me, Taylor, Callie and Collette.
Nice form, right? Ha!
At the birthday party/family get-together at a ranch about 25 miles out of town.
One of my best friends, Angie, myself, and one of my adoptive family members, Amber, getting food ready for the party.
Jenna Zeorian can be reached at jenna@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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