Jada: Testing

Hoffman Harvesting is at home awaiting the spring wheat to ripen in the Gettysburg/ Bowdle/ Faulkton areas. Today, Leon, James and Johan took a test spin west of our farm but didn’t have any luck. The wheat was too wet to be cut and do a good job. The wheat was wet but the combine showed yields of 50 – 75 bu/ac. It looks like the area’s spring wheat will be promising.

The guys who are combining spring wheat out west in the Lemmon area are bumping green wheat. The moisture is around 13% and test weights are 60. The yields are ranging from the 20 to 40’s and the wheat has a protein of 15.7. They received rain about 2 p.m. and had to quit. Hopefully, the rain will help the green wheat ripen.

Here are so photos of us sampling west of our farm in the Java area.

Leon goes to test the wheat

Leon goes to test the wheat after roading the combines from Gettysburg.

Johan gets off the road and lets Leon test the wheat

Johan gets off the road but lets Leon test the wheat.

Damon jumps out of the truck to await the field to get open enough to park in.

Damon jumps out of the truck to get a better view and await the field to get open enough to park in.

Johan opens up a spot in the field for the truck while leon tests the moisture.

Johan opens up a spot in the field for the truck while Leon tests the moisture.

James checks to see if Leon is throwing anything over.

James check to see if Leon is throwing any over. He is….. so they have to park the combines and await the wheat to get drier.

James watches Damon enter the field.

James watches Damon enter the field.


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