19 Aug Wheat Harvest Rookie – Final Thoughts
They say all good things must come to an end and although my time on wheat harvest was short, it was a tremendous opportunity to see a piece of the world that many never have the privilege to see.
I met with a wide variety of people who make up the fabric of the wheat industry. From grain elevator managers, growers, agronomists and retailers to custom-harvesters, I found dozens of hard-working, intelligent people who are dedicated to doing their part to help feed the world. Through my conversations and interactions with these great people, I learned a lot about the wheat industry and for that I’m grateful.
I’d like to especially thank Jada Bulgin, Perry Hoffman and the Hoffman Harvesting crew for letting me experience their world. They answered my many questions, were gracious hosts and helped this city guy find his way in the country.
Through their eyes, I saw the many benefits of the custom-harvesting lifestyle. Although it might not be right for everyone, I envied their ability to travel across our great country, make an honest living, raise a family and be a significant part of the agriculture industry. My view of the world got a good deal bigger in that small section of South Dakota.
Thanks to everyone who followed along on my wheat harvest journey. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Take care and be safe!
For more information contact crew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2011 is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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