Callie: A Kid On Harvest

Being a kid on harvest was the life, let’s face it. Afternoons were spent at small town swimming pools, evenings were spent eating supper in the field on the tailgate of a pickup. Being a kid on harvest was different from being a normal kid. While your friends were playing softball back at home, you were out in the field, having races on the dirt roads to see who could run to the nearest telephone pole the fastest.

I’ve learned that things change, though, and I’ve experienced that change recently when my older sister, Jenna, had to hang back home in the summer and work a “normal” job. Yes, I’m Jenna Zeorian’s sister, the youngest member of the Z crew – Callie.

I’ve been going on harvest for 14 years straight. In fact, I was born during fall harvest on a day that Mom and Dad couldn’t cut due to rain. So, I was definitely born into this, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Going on harvest is something I look forward to every single year. Maybe it’s because I don’t know any different, but I think if anybody got the chance to go, they’d be hooked. Nothing can beat those evenings in the field when you watch the sun sink and listen to the oil wells pump, or share old stories with friends all the way from Texas to Montana.

I know for a fact Jenna would rather be out on the harvest run, and if you asked Taylor and me if we would like to have her come with us again, we would say absolutely. Before Jenna left, we were those kids on harvest, like the ones I was talking about before. Now, we take Jenna’s spot, which means cleaning, cooking, helping move machinery, and basically doing anything that needs done to help with harvest while Mom and Dad are in the field.

Taylor and I were asked to take on the All Aboard Wheat Harvest blog this year. We know that taking Jenna’s spot is going to be tough, but we had to take the opportunity to continue sharing our lifestyle with others. I hope you enjoy reading our blogs as we take on another harvest season.

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