Steph: Oil, rain, and wheat

We just get settled in and adjusted to the change in location only to get welcomed by an 80 percent chance of rain that same day. We did get a full day of cutting in before the clouds set in for the evening. Our trailer park for this stop happens to be a farm yard down in a valley so we are used to having the place to ourselves. Well this year, there is an oil field setup just west of our trailer, right in the center of one of our fields. Since those red dirt roads have been pounded by all the truckers hauling water to this oil field, it makes it a lot rougher for us truckers heading to the elevator.

Mom has said that this year will be Dad’s favorite year since the wheat will be ready at the same time from southern Oklahoma to northern Kansas, we will end up being late to every stop. See, that’s Dad’s trademark. He’s always late.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Lots of species in one pasture!

SO-Helena, Okla.

Black and yellow gold! The oil field is right across the road from where we are camped out.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Lovely map our farmer gives us each year with field names and all. Very nice for a trucker like myself!

SO-Helena, Okla.

Here comes the rain.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at


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