Wheat Harvest Continues Across The Plains

Texas- Warm, dry weather accelerated winter wheat harvest across the state. In the High Plains, some wheat was being baled or cut for silage. In the Edwards Plateau, producers were preparing to plant hay grazer with some early- planted hay grazer being baled.

Oklahoma- Hail and wind damage was reported, but conditions continued to be rated mostly good. Wheat harvest made significant progress, and wheat harvest was 73 percent complete by Sunday, 60 points ahead of the five-year average.

Kansas- Nearly every District had started wheat harvest by Sunday as 20 percent of the Kansas crop had already been harvested. The Southeast and South Central Districts were leading the State with 50 percent and 44 percent harvested, respectively. The wheat crop was 62 percent mature last week, as opposed to just eight percent at this time last year. Conditions are stable, and the statewide crop was rated as eight percent very poor, 16 percent poor, 36 percent fair, 32 percent good, and eight percent excellent.

Colorado- Fifty-three percent of winter wheat has turned color. One percent of the crop was reported ripe as of the end of last week.  The crop was rated in mostly fair to good condition.

Nebraska- Wheat turning color was 53 percent, 20 days ahead of average. Wheat conditions rated three percent very poor, 13 poor, 40 fair, 41 good, and three percent excellent, below 55 percent good to excellent last year and 65 percent average.

South Dakota- Winter wheat was at 87 percent headed, an additional12 points from last week and has tripled the five-year average of 26 percent. Spring wheat was at 73 percent in the boot stage, also well ahead of the five-year average, while 21 percent of the crop had headed.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. For more information contact crew@allaboardharvest.com.


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