26 Jun Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas are nearly complete
Texas- Harvest in the High Plains is continuing to progress, while harvest in the Blacklands has been completed. Herbicide application and tillage had started for weed control on harvested fields.
Oklahoma- Harvest was almost complete for all small grains. The wheat harvest was 98 percent complete by weeks end. Plowing of wheat ground had reached the mid-way point, up from roughly 37 percent complete this week last year.
Kansas- Wheat harvest was nearly completed by Sunday with only four percent of the acreage left to be harvested, about three weeks ahead of 53 percent left last year and 72 percent left for the five-year average. The northwest portion of the state saw rapid increases, with 61 percent of their wheat being harvested last week.
Colorado- Winter wheat progressed to 82 percent ripe, 42 percentage points ahead of the five-year average. The crop harvest was 45 percent harvested by the end of the week. Moisture levels were minimal and the crop was rated in mostly fair to good condition.
Nebraska- Almost all of the wheat crop had turned color, well ahead of 44 last year. Harvest was 32 percent complete, compared to zero last year and average. Wheat conditions rated four percent very poor, 16 percent poor, 40 percent fair, 37 percent good, and three percent excellent.
South Dakota– 84 percent of winter wheat had turned color, well ahead of the five-year average of 22 percent. Spring wheat was at 96 percent headed, with 17 percent turning color.
For more information contact crew@allaboarharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.
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