26 May Steph: Another year on the road
Osowski Ag Service has been family owned and operated for the last two years and by the looks of it, we will be making 2013 harvest the third year of this phenomenon. We are living proof that you can work side by side with your family every single day for a solid two and a half months while living in a 42-foot trailer and still maintain harmony. I like to think of it as a modern day miracle.
Our crew for the southbound excursion will include mom and dad (Bob and Loree), my brother Brandon and myself. We will be traveling to Hobart, Okla to begin our two-month trek across the Midwest before we end up back home in Grafton, ND where wheat harvest will begin shortly after we return. Dad’s been going on the harvest run since he was just a pup back in high school and still looks forward to it every single year, so I guess you could say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with my brother and I. About the first week of May, we are both catching the harvest fever and itching to get on the road again. Also, this spring has been riding the struggle bus up here in North Dakota so we are eager to get to the beautiful, sunny south.
We are all looking forward to sharing another summer with our followers and seeing all our harvest friends again this summer! See you in the field!
I had harvest in me before I even realized it.
Siblings/harvest partners/best hired help Dad’s ever had.
Stephanie can be reached at stephanie@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.
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