05 Jun Jada: Bulk fuel man gives a flashback to 1971
In order to fill up our equipment, we often have a bulk fuel truck come to our field. Today, Rick from Davis and Wardlaw came to fill up our combines and our service truck. His truck holds 2,000 gallons and upon his arrival our equipment sucked what fuel was remaining in his truck dry.
Rick delivered bulk fuel to our field.
Rick has been in the fuel business since 1971 and offered us a flashback on how different things are today than in ’71. At that time, diesel was 13 cents a gallon while gas was .25 cents a gallon- with 9 cents of that being tax. Today the tax on gas is 28 cents. He added that propane was 5 cents a gallon. I filled 4 normal sized tanks the other day and was charged $45.
Martin climbs up the machine to help fill our combines up.
In 1971, the fuel we consumed today would have cost us $197.21. I’d have to say this is quite reasonable considering today it costs almost $100 to fill up my pickup. Rick is based out of Seymour, TX and offered me one more fun tidbit. Seymour has the national record for the highest temperature- 122 degrees. Since we have arrived in Olney, experiencing weather in the triple digits (with a max of 109 degrees) has not been uncommon, however; I cannot imagine how 122 degrees would feel like.
Meeting interesting people like Rick is one of the things I love about harvest. I am happy to work in the agricultural industry because the people involved in this field are generally nice people.
And what was Kaidence doing while I was talking to Rick. . . . . .
Finding fun in the field…
and more fun….
and more fun! Ahhhh to be a kid again!
All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. Jada can be reached at jada@allaboardharvest.com.
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