09 Jul Steph: Hurry up and wait
Cutting wheat has been a touch and go process the last couple days here in St. Francis, Kan. We have been able to combine one day and the next we will have to wait on account of wet wheat. Hurry up and wait, as Dad likes to say. We tested a sample in the afternoon and got a cuttable moisture result but here’s a lesson to all: any sample taken from a field needs to have a couple points more added onto it, meaning that a truck load will have a moisture content that the elevator will not really want to receive. The next field we were going to try and combine we knew right off the bat it wouldn’t go, which ended our fun for the day.
The air conditioning in the camper has been in need of a cleaning though so Mom is sure glad we have a little down time so that can get accomplished. Imagine: cooking and cleaning in a 42 foot trailer while it is 100+ degrees outside and the air conditioner is blowing warm air. Mom says she would prefer to be in the field running combine some days! I can’t say I blame her. It’s good as new now, though, so life is good.
Harvest Tip: If there is even a shred of doubt that a field will be too wet to cut, take a moisture sample to town. We all want to stay in the good graces of the elevators.
Good ol’ Daddy-o, checking out the wheat.
Looks good, but not quite ready yet.
This area needs some substantial rain fall and soon. Most of the dirt road was probably blown away once we got done traveling it.
Petey, enjoying the sunshine.
We ran into some wet wheat, kinda. Didn’t even bother taking this sample into town!
Check out those puffy and green kernels. Those are surefire signs that the wheat will not be ready to cut for a day or so.
The elevator. Only got to take 1 load in today.
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at stephanie@allaboardharvest.com.
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