31 Jul Steph: A little break and back to work!
Since Saturday night, Osowski Ag Service has been out of commission on account of the showers that have been traveling through the Hemingford, Neb. area. Thanks to this little lull in activity, we were able to travel to Cheyenne on Sunday for the final day of Cheyenne Frontier Days! We were able to take in a rodeo, do a little sightseeing around town and even catch up with a past hired hand Dad had in the early 90s that now lives in Cheyenne.
We were able to get back in the field today (Tuesday) around 2pm and harvest for the duration of the day. Thanks to some strategic planning, I was able to spend my day in my Purple again. Irrigated wheat keeps you a-hoppin’ so we were glad to only have a mile haul to the elevator from the field! We saw yields anywhere from 75 to 100 bushel, 62 test weights and 13 protein.
What is it with moms and making lunches? They are so fantastic at it. And you just know that if you were to make that same ham and cheese sandwich that it would never be as good as mom made it. They also always seem to find all the good stuff at the grocery store. Incredible. Hats off to all the moms out there.
Harvest Tip: Make sure someone on the crew is tech-savvy. Especially when you have auto-steer and all those fancy gadgets on your combine.
Our fabulous lunch made by Mom: banana/peanut butter wraps, chicken salad sandwiches, Sriracha flavored chips… so good.
Irrigated wheat.
Brandon holds up his trophy – a sample!
Steph and Brandon.
Our sample. 13.4 percent moisture, good to go.
Our scenic field.
Back in the field.
Brandon in the combine.
Full hopper! Happened every other swipe in this wheat.
Beautiful blue sky was welcomed after the days of cloud cover.
Unloading seed wheat into Farmer Kalvin’s truck.
Sunset on the day.
Service truck, Petey and our farmer’s truck all in a row.
Storm clouds in the distance and hopefully they stay that way.
Fueling up at night. Notice the jacket – it gets so cold once the sun goes down. Crazy July weather.
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at stephanie@allaboardharvest.com.
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