26 Aug Steph: Is it over already?!
The morning we depart from home for the two and a half day trip to our first stop in Oklahoma, all I can think about is the summer ahead. All the wheat that awaits, the great memories to be made, the wonderful people we will see again and meet anew. Just when things get in a good groove, right when things are going as smoothly as they have all summer, it all seems to come to an end. Don’t get me wrong, we are all excited to return home after a harvest summer, but there is still that feeling in the back of your mind that things just went by too quickly. I literally feel like I wrote my first post of the summer and now I’m writing my end of the year! Dang, time flies.
Brandon started school this week as a sophomore in high school, leaving any extra maintenance to the machines to be done by Dad and I. Mom has rental properties in town that she has been catching up on maintenance-wise as well. I start classes in my final year at North Dakota State University on Tuesday (Aug. 27th), so I will only be able to make it back home certain weekends to help out with harvest. I have already been examining my class schedule to see when my earliest departure time can be on Fridays.
I was asked countless times this summer what year in college I was, always followed by “well, does that mean this will be your last year on harvest?” Truth me told, I cannot tell you what I am going to be having for breakfast tomorrow, let alone where the turn of events will take me come graduation in May 2014. Regardless if I will be a full-time Osowski Ag Service employee next summer or have to make guest appearances whenever I can sneak time away from my ‘big girl job’, there is no way harvest will not be a part of my summers. As I have said before, it is an addicting lifestyle and once it gets in your blood, there’s no way out. And trust me, we wouldn’t have it any other way!
I would like to extend my deepest thanks to High Plains Journal, Syngenta, and most importantly all our readers out there. It is the readers that make this all possible and worthwhile to us correspondents. I always look forward to reading the comments and emails that I receive from readers and I greatly appreciate all your wonderful feedback! Harvest is just on the verge of starting up here in the home country, so hopefully I can get a post or two on here about that before the season is up. Until next time, I loved sharing all our adventures with you, and thank you so much for following our journey!
Quote(s) of the Day: “Gross, it even looks too wet from the road. Get your act together already!” “Walsh County ain’t ever seen anything like this before!”
Harvest Tip: There is no such thing as going on harvest too many times.
Our older machine, getting some lovin’ before harvest starts up at home.
Brandon changing oil in his dirt bike. He misses his toys throughout summer.
Dad cruising around the farm.
Dad looking over the bushings and fingers on our header that stays home for summer, making sure it is all ready to go.
I got a new car! New Holland yellow, I know. It was not planned. New car and new Luke Bryan CD all in one day. It was a wonderful day, let me tell you.
A little too green yet. Wish it would just hurry up already.
We predict around 80 bushels for a yield once we finally get to cut.
Green heads and straw. The two fields we tested today were at 15.8 percent and 17 percent moisture.
There’s one in every crowd it seems. Can’t find a ripe enough field!
My windmill obsession. I forgot to share this one!
One of my favorites from the year! I also have a sunset obsession.
One final thanks to all our sponsors and readers out there!
Have a great rest of the summer!
-Osowski Ag Service
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at stephanie@allaboardharvest.com.
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