You mean we get to harvest?!

 Harvest 2015 has arrived! This statement is fairly simple, I admit, but it is profound! I will say it again: HARVEST 2015 HAS ARRIVED! Why am I so happy about this? Seven years ago, the ugly face of drought made an appearance. Each subsequent year has progressively gotten worse. 2011 was the first year the wheat was dreadful, producing little to no crop. It continued to be so through 2014. Our constant prayer for rain was our only hope. Oklahoma was not the only state to feel the wrath. Surrounding states of Texas, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska and even South Dakota were feeling the effects. Since January this year, our area of Oklahoma has received more rain in five months than we have had in the past four years. The crop is starting to look like a crop, the lakes and streams have begun to flow, and we finally get to look forward to a harvest season. For Texas, it seems to be the same glorious news. I pray that the good Lord continues to send rain and replenish what we have lost.

Like every year as a harvester, we do not know what is to come. We are totally dependent on the weather. We never know if we will have enough to make ends meet, but we have to have faith. There is a little saying I heard growing up that has stuck with me, “Who plants a seed beneath the sod, and waits to see believes in God.” Looking forward to being back in the saddle again.

(From left to right) Me, Dan, Momma (Kristy) and Leslie, my nephew.

Be safe and God bless!

All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. Emma can be reached at


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