Apps tell all

Hobart, Oklahoma—If we aren’t racing against the clock to fix a breakdown, we are racing against the weather to try cut as much as possible before the rain comes. All the weather apps say the same thing: rain is in our imminent future from Friday till Tuesday. There, I said it, so maybe now that I’m not in denial it can’t be considered a jinx. When discussing the weather while shuffling equipment from field to field, Farmer Mike was checking the radar and informing the rest of us what’s to come. I tried telling him to look away, stop thinking about it, it will only make you feel worse! His response? “I can’t stop, it’s like a car wreck. You just can’t look away!”

We are hauling to the elevator in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma, which I have to say has one (of many) of the neatest elevators I’ve seen. Elevators are full of so much history that I constantly wish the walls would tell me their stories during any/all of my trips I make there. Also, someone needs to harness his or her inner entrepreneur and start a snow-cone stand at the elevator during wheat harvest. You would make a killing off me alone.

Unfortunately, the pitter-patter of rain on the roof could be heard this morning. We were hoping the rain wouldn’t set it till this evening and we could still get a full day of cutting in. However, the sun is trying to work her way front and center so we might still get a little field time in yet today! If we do, you’ll be the first to know.

 Quote of the Day—“Things that make you go hmm…looking at the radar when you got wheat to cut.”

 Stuff Harvesters Like—A fresh bag of ice in the cooler.


Elevators are so full of history.

Purple unloading.

Purple getting unloaded in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma.

Such a neat elevator.

Such a neat elevator.


Don’t let that face fool you, he loves Purple.

Some moonlighting welding work.

We had a bearing go out on the feeder house late in the evening, so Dad had to do a little moonlight welding to get us back up and running. Don’t worry, we had water nearby and took all the correct precautions before we began.

A cool creek I stumbled upon.

A cool little creek I stumbled upon.

Just loving life.

Just loving life. Photo courtesy of Mama Loree.


This might be framed in my house one day. I’m a big fan.


Another day in the books.

 Another day in the books.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. You can contact Steph at


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