Business Trips

Grafton, North Dakota—Life in Grafton is about as exciting as any rural North Dakota community can be, but that’s why you gotta love it, right? Small town livin’ is the best kind.

Harvest is peeking at us from around the corner but that is where it remains. We got about an inch of rain last night and it’s a gloomy day in the neighborhood today, so that certainly won’t dry anything up. Considering all the rainfall we have received, the crops are looking quite good and there has been talk that protein will range between 10 to 14 in content. We are in that weird in-between period of harvest where unlike our summer harvest, the next step isn’t crystal clear. Do we tear apart the combine and check what’s causing the rumbling in the rotors? Do we wait since the crop could be ready in the next couple days? Do we take a nap that lasts two days? I bet you can guess which one of those sounds the most appealing!

Last weekend, Peter and I took a business trip out to the western side of North Dakota. We passed out business cards and did the usual public relations-type activities to get the Osowski Ag name out there. Our mindset is that half of the crew will stay home and do barley/wheat harvest there and the other half will head to western North Dakota and pick up some wheat acres out there as well. Divide and conquer. So, if you know a guy, I would like to meet him. I have to admit, we worked during the day but did make a little time for fun while we were out west. The North Dakota State Fair was happening in Minot, North Dakota, and we stumbled across a couple tickets for the Jake Owen concert one night. As custom harvesters, this was an absolute treat since fair time is, well, harvest time.

Quote of the Day“Want to know one of the most helpless feelings in the world? When you’re driving and your toe itches INSIDE your boot.”

Passing out cards like it's going outta style.

Passing out cards like it’s going outta style.

Gorgeous countryside out here.

Gorgeous countryside out here.

Again, gorgeous countryside.

Again, gorgeous countryside.

The open road.

There’s something about an open road.

The wheat is about 10 days off in western ND.

The wheat is about a week to ten days off in western ND.

Literally stopped alongside the road to photograph some sunflowers.

Literally stopped alongside the road to photograph some sunflowers. Worth it.

So pretty.

So worth it.

Steph and Peter at the Jake Owen concert!

Steph and Peter at the Jake Owen concert at the North Dakota State Fair!

Home sweet home.

Home sweet home.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. You can contact Steph at


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