04 Sep Laura: A diverse menu of crops
Northern Montana – We currently have crews in three areas including southern Montana, northern Montana, and North Dakota. Mark and the crew have a diverse menu of crops to harvest up north. Green peas, winter wheat, spring wheat, chick peas, and mustard rounds out the list. Yields have been strong so far. Green peas have ranged anywhere from 30–100 bushels per acre with averages around 50. Winter wheat has been in the mid 60’s. Spring wheat is coming in at the 50-60 bushel per acre range. Chick peas and mustard harvest haven’t been harvested yet so I have no yield reports at this time. The crew is hauling into bins which eliminates the moisture and related stats report.
The guys, and Jill, Mark’s wife who recently was able to visit, have kept busy in their off time as well. Some of the highlights of their tours include visiting a Hutterite colony and the yearly favorite, Glacier National Park. Parts of the park are closed due to the fires, but the guys still found places to view and hike including Lost Lake. I’m glad the guys have gotten these extra experiences. Harvest provides unique memories, but the extras make it that much more special!
A big thanks to Mark for providing the videos below of green pea harvest.
Green pea harvest in Montana. (Video by Mark)
Another video of green pea harvest. (Video by Mark)
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura can be reached at laura@allaboardharvest.com.
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