10 Oct Janel: Anticipation and Energy
Holdrege, Nebraska – I got home from North Dakota on September 11th and started cutting soybeans on September 13th. Fall harvest was quickly in full swing which made me very happy! I cut for 16 consecutive days and had big dreams of harvesting all fall without any stops. Mother Nature has held us up recently. We’ve had some rain delays and it just pushes us back.
All I want to do is be in the field all day every day until we finish harvest (typically in November sometimes December). I’ve been fighting the weather almost the entire harvest season (May through present). Once we get back in the field, hopefully we will finish up soybean harvest without any more delays and then I’ll be on to the race of harvesting dry corn. I very much enjoy corn harvest. That’s when the prettiest sunsets of the year take place!
The soybean yields have been anywhere from 55 to upper 80’s bushels per acre. The corn yields have been 250+ bushels per acre. One field of hailed on soybeans yielded only 20 bushels per acre.
I should’ve mentioned before that it took me three days to get home from wheat harvest. Our crew that was out in Montana finished up in Cut Bank and it took them almost a week to get home. And when they got here they went straight to the field. The rain does allow for one good thing and that is rest. Everyone needs rest or a break sometimes. Miss Moo gets plenty of rest regardless and prefers naps in the combine!
This is more than likely my last AAWH post for 2018. At this time, I am going to go ahead and thank so many people. First off, thank you to our farmer customers. I appreciate you hiring us and trusting us to handle the work. Hopefully you already know and trust that we always do our very best. I’d like to thank all of the nice people we get to see each harvest season along our harvest route (7 states) and at home too. The elevator, fuel stations, dealership parts and service, and restaurant people, are all very much appreciated. The John Deere Harvest Support guys also deserve a big thank you. I only had to call them once this summer and they were there and had the problem fixed so quickly. Always so very much appreciated.
Thank you to the All Aboard Wheat Harvest followers. I appreciate the comments, emails, and your interest in harvest too! High Plains Journal has been my favorite ag magazine since forever. The opportunity to tell my harvest story through the blog and magazine is a blessing and is a responsibility I take very seriously. A big thank you also goes to the sponsors that support this excellent educational opportunity. The sponsors include, John Deere, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Unverferth Mfg. Co., Inc., AgriPro and High Plains Journal. Thanks again for your support! -Janel
Miss Moo living the dream!! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Soybean harvest has begun. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Cutting soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Cutting soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Very good soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Schemper Harvesting trucks loaded and tarped in the field. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Very good soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Very good soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Cutting soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Very good soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Miss Moo living the dream!! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Miss Moo living the dream!! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Cutting soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
It rained so picking corn is the next option. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Picking corn. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Picking corn. Photo by Janel Schemper.
We had wind and sunshine so back to the soybean field! Miss Moo loves ice cream! Whatever I have she gets half! Photo by Janel Schemper.
A beautiful night of cutting soybeans. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Sprinkles on my windows. No thanks! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Got showered out again. Frustrating!!! Photo by Janel Schemper.
All I want to do! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Taking off all four big tires. That’s how I spent my Friday evening. Photo by Janel Schemper.
The combine now has six tires. Duals and 30-inch back tires are on! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Picking corn. Photo by Janel Schemper.
Miss Moo is snuggly in the combine and sleeping on my coat! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Everyone tells me to frame this one! Will do! Thanks! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Unloading corn on the go! Photo by Janel Schemper.
Done for the day. All combines, grain carts and trucks are full. Photo by Janel Schemper.
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Janel Schemper can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.
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