19 Oct Close but not quite
We have a small rain delay here in North Dakota. As much as we need the moisture, we wish it would have held off a few days. The Westhope crew got lucky and finished the beans before the rain but the Esmond and Jamestown crew may not get fired back up for a few days. If the rain had held off a few more days we could have gotten all of our bean acres done for the year.
The Esmond crew finished one farmer and has moved to another farmer but fell a few hours short of finishing. We have been hearing some reports of 2 to 4 inches of rain where our combines are sitting near Jamestown and around 2 to 3 inches near Esmond.
While we are waiting for the beans to dry the guys have been working around the shop.
The combine in Grant, Nebraska, has been cutting non irrigated corn which is running around 50 bushels. They have had a small delay as they have ran into wet corn but are hopeful they will be cutting soon.

Nice sunset and an inside look of the combine. (Photo by Kimberly Neumiller.)
We jumped right into corn up in Westhope and have been going for the past two days. The forecast is showing some cooler temperatures for the week with a few chances of rain but no snow so far. Fingers crossed.

(Corn in Westhope, North Dakota.)
Since we had a small rain delay, we got to meet up with Van Driesten Harvesting from Canada for a night. We may only see each other once or twice a year so it’s always nice to catch up with them or any of our harvest friends.
Today, I learned you can ship anything through FedEx. Roger needed some stock stompers in Nebraska so we decided to ship them down to him. I was very skeptical right away but after spending 45 minutes at the FedEx store, two rolls of bubble wrap, three bags of peanuts and a lot of tape they are on their way.
While at the store I had many people ask what these big pieces of iron were for and why I needed to ship them, I definitely brought attention to the store as everyone was watching me and another lady pack them.
The kids and I have still been helping on weekends. This past week we were actually at the camper in Esmond for a few nights during the week. I took the kids to school then went back to help move equipment since it is the same distance from our house to the school as it is from Esmond to school. The kids loved being back in the camper and seeing the guys when they came in for supper.
Have a great week.
Kimberly Neumiller can be reached at kimberly@allaboardharvest.com.
All Aboard Fall Harvest is brought to you by Pivot Bio, Western Equipment, John Deere, Unverferth Manufacturing and US Custom Harvesters.

Grant Nebraska
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