12 Dec Christy: Ready for Christmas
Worthington, Minnesota—Christmas is right around the corner. It always comes so fast ,it seems, after harvest is complete. I should feel ready for Christmas, as harvest ended so early. Yet, I am not.
Right now, we are still working on getting settled up with all our fall harvest customers. We have our winter crew hauling corn for a local farmer and still getting everything settled in storage for the winter.
Meals are still made for the crew that’s here. Rhonada and I worked out a schedule to feed our guys. Since Zoey has a lot of activities during the evening after school, I work on making lunch for the guys most days and she does supper when the guys get in. It’s nice that Rhonada is willing to work with our activities. It works out pretty well, and we work together when one needs a night off or a day off.
Things are finally coming together with the shed Paul had built this fall. The skin for the hydraulic door is being installed today, and we’re just waiting on the one garage-type door to come in hopefully soon. Electricity will be completed by the spring. Right now, we’re using Gary’s generator to operate the hydraulic door. There’s so many moving parts on completing this project, and timing hasn’t worked in our favor.
The hydraulic door is finally getting some tin. You can see where Paul put plywood in the open spaces so that all the blowing snow from the storm last week would have taken over.
Before the door on the outside was installed, we did have some snowy, blowing weather. Paul picked up some plywood to nail in so we wouldn’t get too much snow blown in the shed. It is quite full now with equipment, and it’s amazing how fast a space you didn’t have before fills up.
It’s Christmas time, and I am so happy to share that Paul is finally joining in my love of the season. He installed some pretty awesome Christmas lights around our house this year. We might have borrowed the shed crew’s skylift to get her done easily, but, hey, it’s that time of year to be generous. All kidding aside, I love seeing the lights. It brings a lot of joy, to Zoey the most.

Christmas lights Paul hung on our home this year.
I’m not really ready for Christmas, but I’m ready to see all our family. I’m ready to share our year with close friends and hear about what all we’ve missed during our summer and fall run from family and friends. It’s a lot to take in this time of year. I hope everyone gets to share in all the wonderful things that this time of year offers.
Paplow Harvesting & Trucking wants to wish everyone out there a very blessed Christmas, and a happy new year.
Christy Paplow can be reached at christy@allaboardharvest.com.
All Aboard Fall Harvest is brought to you by Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc., ITC Great Plains, Pivot Bio, U.S. Custom Harvesters, T-L Irrigation, Titan Machinery, and High Plains Journal.
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