17 Sep Janel: Big, busy days
Holdrege, Nebraska — We finished in northwestern North Dakota late last week and loaded up. Then the big, busy days arrived. It took my crew four days of traveling to get back south to Nebraska. We are all here now with nine combines, five tractor grain carts and lots of trucks. We had a good trip. We didn’t blow any tires.
Now I’m home, and I’ve gotten two combines, a tractor grain cart and three trucks and trailers washed. We are changing tires on combines, putting on duals for fall harvest. There is so much work to do.
I just went and looked at crops with farmers I cut for, and the soybeans are still green. It is only Sept. 11, and Sept. 20 is a typical start date on soybeans. We’ll send three combines to Kansas later today. They are expected to start on corn there tomorrow.
Our forecast here looks good with highs in the 80s and sunny weather. It’s been windy the past few days, so that helps ripen the soybeans. I’m looking forward to fall harvest. It’s a beautiful time of year.
Janel Schemper can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.
Thank you to our 2024 All Aboard Wheat Harvest sponsors: High Plains Journal, Pivot Bio, Unverferth Manufacturing Co. and U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc.

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