03 Oct Christy: Picking up the pace

Worthington, Minnesota — Crews have now dispersed to care for customers in Elkton and Roscoe South Dakota, and around Lake Park, Iowa. We also fit in a few of Paul’s beans by Ruthton, Minnesota. Beans there averaged about 50 bushels per acre.
More beans are becoming ready, so we’ve been steadily working all over to cover acres. Beans in Elkton have been averaging about 55 to 60 bushels per acre, and around Lake Park did about the same.

By Lake Park, Katie unfortunately caught a rock that missed the rock trap and wreaked havoc throughout her machine. Cameron and his crew worked all morning to correct all that the rock destroyed. The field they were combining in was extra rocky, and the beans hadn’t been rolled, so when it became dark outside it was extra hard to miss rocks. We have to cut them closer to the ground to ensure catching all the pods, so that doesn’t always help, either. Thankfully, Cameron sorted her out, and she was able to get back going.

Cameron’s crew has now finished by Lake Park and is moving down to Hartley, Iowa, to begin on beans. It’ll be a little farther jaunt to catch everyone for meals, but it’s good to get some customers completed so we can move forward.

I had a bit of a catastrophe myself this week; the clothes washer in the living quarters decided to quit. I can’t get a repairman out until next week. With eight guys currently residing there, laundry piles up quickly, so I’ve been hauling their clothes to my house to wash. It isn’t that bad, but it definitely adds to the list of tasks for the day. I’m just glad it wasn’t my dishwasher like last year. That really held me up. Hopefully the repairman gets here soon to fix it.
After Paul finished in Ruthton, he and Anna switched to corn by Round Lake. They’re just getting started there and will have a lot of fields to cover in the next couple of weeks. The weather is holding out well, so hopefully things move quickly.
The pace has definitely picked up around here this last week, and I expect it will stay that way the rest of the season, depending on the weather. Hopefully equipment continues to run well, and our crew continues their hard work in the field. I know I’ll be the busiest this season yet.
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