17 Oct Sherry: We like corn!

Johnson,Kansas — Hi y’all! Corn, corn, CORN seems to be the theme these days! We have been running nonstop, picking corn. We get to the field, service the machines, and then send the kids on their way to pick corn. We are so proud of all three of our boys for working long days and long nights to get this corn harvested. The yield has been great, and the weather has been perfect.

Most of what we have picked has been dryland corn, and it has been an average yield. We have picked a couple of irrigated circles with the monitors hitting well over 280 bushels an acre, with the average hanging at 240 bushels. This is Wailynn and Wyatt’s favorite time of year because they are so busy! They like that the hoppers in the combine fill up so quickly and that they are constantly dumping in the buggy. Wesson, our buggy driver, gets a little worn out since he is super busy. Brian (my husband) and Avery (our friend) get extremely exhausted because they are on the go the entire time in the trucks, back and forth to the elevator. One day this week, combined, they hauled 29 loads! They were dog tired!

Most things have been going great on the harvest side. We have only had a few minor fixes with the machines and header, which makes me happy because I am the gopher. I have to go for this and go for that, but I have not had to do much of that this season. My only go fors have been DEF and diesel. So, I get to stay at the field and watch them harvest and help them move. One of the fields we moved to on the Colorado border had quite the wildlife in it. We saw a couple of pronghorn in it. It was pretty cool to see!

The trucks have been running pretty smoothly, with the exception of having to replace two tires due to flats.

And if you read my last article you might remember me mentioning that my smoke/grill was giving me issues. Well, we had to buy a new one. Now we are back in business.
We will see y’all next time! Take care until then!
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