Kimberly: Is our season almost over?

This fall season has flown by, and we are days away from the end. 

I am still amazed at our weather here in North Dakota, but I am also frustrated because one minute I think it’s time to put the summer clothes away, and the next we are able to wear shorts again.  

Everyone finished cutting beans around here very quickly because it was so nice, and we flew through the acres. 

We still have not had any moisture, but they are finally saying we may get some this week. It may not be the moisture I’m ready for, but at this point I will take anything. 

We started combining corn in Westhope just a few days after they finished cutting beans and had a good run. Logan and his crew finished in Westhope on Sunday and have started bringing equipment home. Neumiller Harvesting will all be home by the end of the week.  We have been working on our own corn and have a day or two left. We are hoping we can get a lot done before the rain. 

Photo credit. Danica Neumiller

Mychal and I attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis this past week to represent U.S. Custom Harvester and teach kids about our organization. I really enjoyed talking with the kids and giving them insight about our world. It amazed me at how many people never heard of custom harvesting before. It was really interesting seeing their reactions to our conversations. There were quite a few who knew about it and were excited to talk more about this life and how to join a crew and our organization.  My favorite part about this past weekend was when a young gentleman asked me what crew I was with. I wasn’t there to represent us, but I mentioned my last name, and he said he has heard of us and asked me if I knew the person who writes for the farm journal. I laughed and said, “I know her very well. It is me!” He told me that he and his Dad read these articles every time a new one comes out. I was in shock that not only someone recognized my name from there but that this young gentleman sits down and reads it. I wish I got a picture of him, but shout out to you and your dad if you are reading this.  Overall, it was a great experience, and I am glad I got to be a part of it.

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