17 Jun Harvest in full swing across Oklahoma
The long wait for Oklahoma growers is finally over. Harvest has finally made it into northern Oklahoma, while harvest in the Texas Panhandle began last week.
Many states in the High Plains received severe storms, which produced damaging flooding and hail. Receiving severe storms that damage a crop is one of the most stressful aspects during harvest. Hopefully Mother Nature will bring more desirable weather to the High Plains this week.
Central Texas received up to 8 inches of precipitation, while the remaining parts of the state received scattered storms.
Last week, wheat harvest began in the northern High Plains, also known as the Panhandle, and harvest nearly reached completion in northeast Texas. The state’s wheat condition continued to range between very poor to poor.
Last week’s rainfall halted harvest in many areas across the state. Five of the nine districts received over an inch of precipitation. On Friday, much of the state received hail, heavy rain and high winds. Baseball size hail was reported in Stillwater and Claremore experienced 85 miles per hour gusts.
The crop condition continued to decline to mostly poor to very poor. The state’s entire winter wheat crop reached the soft dough stage of development by the end of the week. Twenty-two percent of the state’s crop has been harvested. Harvest is in full swing statewide.
The state received moderate to heavy rains across, while many areas experienced damaging hail. Eighty percent of the wheat is turning color and nine percent is ripe enough to harvest. About half of the wheat crop is in good to excellent condition.
Eastern Colorado received over a half inch of rainfall and hail causing damage to crops. Temperatures statewide continued to stay below average. The winter wheat crop was reported completely headed last week with 28 percent turning color. The majority of the state’s crop is in good to excellent condition.
The state experienced cool, wet conditions, which slowed crop development. Parts of the state received flooding, hail and severe storms. The state’s winter wheat crop has been slow to mature and remains behind normal.
Ninety-three percent of wheat was headed, while 16 percent was reported turning color. Over half the wheat crop remained in good to excellent condition.
South Dakota
Much of the state received cool, wet conditions last week. Only 63 percent of the state’s wheat crop is headed, while no wheat has been reported for turning color yet. Over 85 percent of the crop is in fair to excellent condition.
For more information e-mail crew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2009 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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