29 Jun Tracy: Please come back
Garden City, Kansas – The day the boys from the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children came to visit the field will be one of my most favorite memories of the 2017 wheat harvest.
It was a blessing to me to see the excitement in these boys’ eyes. None of them had any idea what they were about to experience when they left their cottage that morning. Their wonderment at the large combine, tractor and truck did my heart good to see them so interested in what we were doing and to watch the machines working through their eyes. Kyle, Colten and Tim were their names. I don’t know anything about their situation or why they were calling OBHC home, and it didn’t matter. The reality is they called it home, they felt safe, they had food to eat and they had someone to show them love.
The mission of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is to demonstrate God’s love by providing hope through empowering children and their families to follow Christ.
Mike Williams loaded the boys up and brought them to the field to experience harvest. They came to learn about wheat and where their food comes from. This. Is. Awesome. Education by experience… the very best kind of learning, period! I’ve always thought our younger generations need to learn about life by experiencing life. There is no better teacher.
Mike also explained to me the dire need for more services such as what is offered by OBHC. He told me there were 10,000 children in the State of Oklahoma ALONE that would qualify for their programs. They have enough room for 200. The boys stay at the cottages free of charge. They receive everything they would otherwise be lacking – food, love and safety. I have a heart for kids and all I wanted to do was take them all home with me. I don’t think Jim would probably allow for that. The three that came to the field were well-mannered and very respectful! I was in love with all three of them.

Colten was all about the truck.
Tim was the most talkative of the group. He told me he really likes Christian music, pizza and his girlfriend. OBHC jumped on board with All Aboard knowing what a wonderful program it is in telling the story of the harvester. They also have a very real need and a very easy way for farmers to be able to help. You see, OBHC relies on private donations from private donors. They receive NO GOVERNMENT assistance. And they like it that way. Do you also have a heart for kids and our future? Please consider the 10 Acre Challenge (donating just 10 acres), and here’s how it works.
GROW: Sow your seed, and say your prayers. Let God do the rest.
GIVE: Donate a portion of what you are blessed with to children and families at Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children(OBHC). Some farmers choose to give 10 acres worth of crop production. This can be donated through your local co-op. Contact Mike Williams, whom will collect the gift. Examples: grain, lumber, canola, cotton, corn, milo, wheat, etc.
CHALLENGE: Challenge your buddies to do the same. Together, the impact of your gifts will help children and families in a great big way.
Won’t you please consider? If you could have seen these three boys, you too would understand why I feel passionate about this. What a wonderful program they have. These kids have an advantage over many others their age, because they are learning what it takes to be productive adults. Good job OBHC! Thank you for sponsoring All Aboard Wheat Harvest and for bringing the kids to the field to experience what it takes to get food to their table. And… please come back!
All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Tracy Zeorian can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com.
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