01 Aug Laura: Northeast Colorado
Northeast Colorado – This stop is normally one of my favorite places to photograph the crew. It’s deep blue skies, wide open spaces, and gorgeous sunsets does not disappoint. However, this year, when we finally made it back into the field, the air hung heavy. There was very little breeze, which caused the dust to linger making it difficult to see the action properly. This does not make for very photogenic harvest pictures and why I’m lacking them! The wildlife was willing to pose though!
Yields were all over the place. We had anything from 30 to over 50 bushels per acre. Average yields were in the 40s. Test weights also fluctuated with anything from the 50s to in the 60s . As would be expected, the lowest test weights produced the highest protein. We had some up around 16.
As mentioned in a previous post, we were fighting down wheat in places due to sawfly damage. In the past, I’ve had questions with how the Shelbourne headers handle lodged wheat since they just strip the head from the stalk. The headers operate in an almost combing fashion. This combing motion helps pick up the lodged pieces and we are able to harvest it with little issue.
Once finished in Colorado, the crew makes the big jump to southern Montana to meet up with the other half of the team. Wheat harvest is half complete for the season.
An antelope watching from a safe distance. (Photo credit: Laura)
Time for a quick exit! (Photo credit: Laura)
I caught this jackrabbit off guard. I’ve never been so close to one for so long! (Photo credit: Laura)
Deer of the corn. (Photo credit: Laura)
Golden sunset. (Photo credit: Laura)
Preparing to ship the next load to town. (Photo credit: Laura)
Harvesting on the plains of eastern Colorado. (Photo credit: Laura)
The night colors were beautiful. Photo credit: Laura
Poor kid. The closest thing she’ll get to a beach this summer is the side of a dirt road! She’s happy as can be though. Photo credit: Laura
Repairing the combine. Inconvenient, but thankfully an easy enough fix. Photo credit: Laura
We made our annual trek to get fried ice cream in Fort Morgan. We share it among the family because it is so big. It never disappoints. (Photo credit: Laura)
Hashing out the latest details. Photo credit: Laura
Loved the motion blur in this picture. We were cruising down one of the roads in Rocky Mountain National Park. We were able to make a very quick day trip on one of the afternoons it was too wet to cut. (Photo Credit: Laura)
Children of harvest. (Photo credit: Laura)
Zipping to the next load. (Photo credit: Laura)
Finally was able to get on the right side of the dust! (Photo credit: Laura)
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura can be reached at laura@allaboardharvest.com.
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