Laura: When another is not just another

Southern Montana—Another day, another wheat field. However, it’s not “just” another wheat field to us! It’s our farmer’s wheat field. That wheat field is a farm’s chance at income for that season and an important time for the operation. Despite cutting many acres throughout the season, its important not to get complacent. We need to continue to harvest each field like they are our own because there is no such thing as “just another” wheat field. Each one is important to customer and to us! We value each opportunity to serve.

Our first farm in southern Montana resulted in yields 50 to 65 bushels per acre. We’ve been very fortunate to avoid some of the area’s showers so the crew has been able to put in some really big days. It is worth noting that the air conditioner is no longer needed at night. The season is gradually changing and it won’t be long before hoodies and jackets become common place.

High Plains Harvesting 2019
Morning service work. (Photo from Ryan.)

High Plains Harvesting 2019
View from the cab. The fields stretch on and on up in this part of the world. (Photo from Ryan.)

High Plains Harvesting 2019
We have to cut when we can cut and that includes into the dark. (Photo from Ryan.)

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura Haffner can be reached at


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