Northern state’s harvest now in full swing - All Aboard Harvest

Northern state’s harvest now in full swing

Wheat harvest in Colorado, Nebraska and South Dakota is in its final stages. Harvest in Montana and Wyoming is now in full swing. Below are the crop updates for selected states as provided by the USDA.

Colorado: Winter Wheat harvest is 98 percent complete in Colorado. This rate is up from 96 percent last week and slightly behind the five-year average of 100 percent.

Nebraska:  Ninety-seven percent of winter wheat has been harvested. This rate is behind last year’s 98 percent and the average of 99 percent.

South Dakota: Ninety-one percent of winter wheat has been harvested, up from seventy-two percent last week and slightly above the five-year average of ninety percent.

Wyoming: Ninety-eight percent of winter wheat has matured, up from eighty-five percent last week. Eighty-four percent of Wyoming wheat has been harvested, up from thirty-five percent last week. The crop is rated: zero percent very poor, zero percent poor, 22 percent fair, 77 percent good and one percent excellent.

Montana: Montana winter wheat is 25 percent harvested, ahead of last year’s 12 percent at this time. Ninety-nine percent of wheat has turned in color. The crop is rated: two percent very poor, eight percent poor, 32 percent fair, 46 percent good and 12 percent excellent.

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