Jenna: Jordan, Montana - All Aboard Harvest

Jenna: Jordan, Montana

My little sisters and I have been fending for ourselves for the past few days, as our parents have been finishing our job in Limon, Colo., while we wait in Jordan, Mont. We couldn’t have been split at a more opportune time though, because Jordan (population around 500) is like our second home. This is one stop that has remained a constant year after year. I can’t remember a summer in my life that where we didn’t stop in Jordon for wheat harvest. Mom, who came to Jordan with her family’s harvest crew before she even married my Dad, figured this year to be her 28th summer stopping here.

Because this is our last stop for the summer and we are usually here until the beginning to middle of September. My older sister and I actually used to start school here. We would spend a couple of weeks in the Garfield County School District and then transfer to our school back home when the time came. I grew up with the kids in Jordan just like I grew up with the kids at home, and some have remained close friends over the years. A group of them even had a trip planned to Nebraska for my high school graduation day, but since our ceremonies were on the same weekend, it didn’t work out.

Just as I consider some of my old classmates here to be some of my best friends, some of our customers have become like family. And, to be honest, I think I probably know more people in this town than I do my hometown! Our family looks forward to coming to Jordan all year because of this. We cherish the time with our friends, and goodbyes are always hard.

But we don’t have to say goodbye quite yet … so I’m going enjoy the time we have left here! :]

On another note, Mom and Dad finished cutting in Limon, Colo., last night and started their trip up here today. They should make it tomorrow if all goes well. Luckily, it has been raining the past couple of days and harvest has not yet begun in the area, so we haven’t lost out on any work. However, harvest has usually started by now.

Jenna Zeorian can be reached at All Aboard 2009 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.

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