Sage: Finished in Floydada - All Aboard Harvest

Sage: Finished in Floydada

Dumas, Texas- After battling weather and other issues, we finally finished cutting in Floydada, Texas.  A total of 16 days was spent in central Texas, but we were able to get a lot done.  The last day (yesterday) was by far the toughest because of all the moving we had to do.  We only had 160 acres left to cut, but it took us most of the day because we had to move the combines a total of 30 miles.  But we got it done and loaded the combines last night before we moved today.

As for today, we moved 180 miles to Dumas, Texas, and made pretty good time.  I once again drove the Peterbilt, but I had a passenger.  Sierra is finally feeling better and decided to take a ride in her favorite vehicle, even if she didn’t get to drive this time. (She has a goal of one day of owning her own “pretty pink Peterbilt”).  She was excited but got a little nervous when we reached a two-mile, downhill, 10 percent grade.  That was my first time hauling a load down a hill like that, so I had to use everything I learned in truck driving school, and some tips dad taught me.  All in all everyone made it down the hill and up the other side safely.

Other than that coulee the trip was pretty uneventful, which is good.  No major breakdowns, the trucks didn’t over heat and other than a few people getting misdirected and having to turn around, everyone stayed together.

We got to our campsite a little bit outside of town, but are not likely to cut tomorrow.  The wheat is ready and all, but they received rain yesterday.  We are looking at a possible rain day tomorrow, but hopefully we can get something cut.  If everything can be cut, we will only be here a few days.  This is by far are smallest job on the run because most of the farmers in the area have their own combines, so will be looking for work soon.  Our next stop is Colorado and is at least two weeks away. We will have to go on the hunt for some acres, but that is just another challenge that custom harvesters face every year.

Sage Sammons can be reached at All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.

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