Rain delays Clark Farms - All Aboard Harvest

Rain delays Clark Farms

Guest correspondent Scott Clark checks in this week with a report from the Tribune, Kan., area. Scott talks about the anticipated move northward to the Goodland, Kan., area when weather cooperates.

Independence Day, the Fourth of July, is just another day of work in the field, but with a fireworks display far off in the distance. The rainfall in western Kansas and eastern Colorado forced most harvesters out of the fields — leaving them no choice but to somewhat relax and show their appreciation for their freedom by taking in the food, fellowship, and fireworks on the holiday.

With six days of good harvesting weather, Clark Farms was able to complete their harvesting job in Tribune, Kan. Delays were caused when 30- to 60-bushel yields had trucks backed up at the elevator. The average yield in the area was 40 bushels per acre—not bad for an area stricken with severe hail damage over part of the county. Test weights were 60 to 63 pounds, and moisture ranged from 10.5 to 13.5 percent.

The crew picked up a 900-acre job to keep them busy until the wheat around Goodland, Kan., is ready. The crew expects to return to the field Wednesday after an inch of rain fell over the weekend. The Goodland and Colby, Kan., areas report as much as five inches of rain over the weekend, so our farmers expect the crop to be delayed. The forecast is temperatures in the mere 80s, and that could have harvest at a near standstill over the next week.

Combines and harvest crews in northern Kansas anxiously await the chance to get back in the fields in order to complete their jobs and move north. Combine crews head north to South Dakota, but mild temperatures have pushed harvest back to the middle of the month.

Hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July.

60 Bushel wheat

Combines rolling across the plains harvesting 60 bushel wheat.

Securing for the haul

Dillon and Buddy secure the combine to be hauled.


For more information e-mail crew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.

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