Good to be heading northwest - All Aboard Harvest

Good to be heading northwest

Guest correspondent Scott Clark updates us on his wheat harvest journey to Goodland, Kan. Scott writes about weather and flooding near Tribune, Kan., and shares photos from along the way.

An inch of rain fell Wednesday in Tribune, Kan., and the crew was able to get back in the field Friday afternoon. The crew was lucky to get finished, and was able to load up equipment Saturday just before severe thunderstorms hit. The storms produced hail, funnel clouds, and damaging winds. Up to three inches of rain fell in about an hour. The farmer was grateful to see his 75-bushel-per-acre crop in the bin and not laying over on the ground.

After the storms passed the crew had no choice but to pull all of the trucks out of the site where they were parked. The low area was prone to flooding from runoff of the surrounding fields. We were able to get all nine oversized loads pulled to the highway, and parked on drier ground for the night. Sunday morning the convoy of 12 left for Goodland, Kan., and by afternoon the crew had set up and harvesting had begun.

Test weights are running 63 to 64 pounds with 13-percent protein, and 11-percent moisture. Moisture seems to be following along as scattered showers covered the area. The crew had to shut down when sprinkles fell, and the straw was getting too tough.

The next stop for our crew is South Dakota in about a week.

Straight line winds caused damage around Tribune, Kan.

Tribune, Kan., after three inches of rain fell in about an hour.

Vehicle chains tow trucks out of the mud.

Cutting wheat in northwest Kansas.

Unloading onto the grain cart.

Scott climbs into the bin to grab a sample.

For more information contact All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.

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