Sage: Done in Dumas…Cutting in Colorado! - All Aboard Harvest

Sage: Done in Dumas…Cutting in Colorado!

Limon, Colo.-A whirlwind of events has happened the last couple of days, starting before we even finished in Dumas three days ago.

It turned out that we only had 300 acres of wheat left to cut in Dumas during our 10-day hiatus.  With four machines, that is nothing, but because of high humidity it took us two half (six hour) days to finish it.

During the last day of cutting in Dumas, we were down to three machines because we started the haul to Colorado early.  We knew we were going to have to double back, and since there was not a lot work left, the crew was able to finish it up with three machines.  So Dad, Sierra, myself and our new truck driver Matt, loaded up one machine and took off, along with the motor home and two headers.

The next day the crew loaded the second combine and grain cart up and they hauled it to the farm north of Last Chance, Colo., where we are cutting.  A few guys had to go back because the crew is now splitting up.  Half of us are here in Colorado and the other half is heading to South Dakota.  Right now we are a little shorthanded during their move, but we should be back to efficient staff when Craig (grain cart) and John (combine) get here either tomorrow night or Wednesday morning.

We got everything prepared and ready to cut this morning, but didn’t see the field until 4:00 p.m.  It rained enough last night to slow our process, but we were able to do some minor fixes to the combines and were ready to roll.

Tomorrow we will be right back in the thick of it, starting bright and early.  If everything works out, it will be our first full day of cutting in over two weeks; really crazy when you think about it.

There are a lot of harvesters in this part of Colorado.  Combines are moving up and down every road you go down, proving that harvest is in full swing.  A couple of dad’s harvest friends are in the area, and it is good to catch up with them.  We even got a chance to see the Zeorian crew, who are actually camping two doors down from us.

Well the breakfast bell rings early, so I am hitting the hay.  I will have a crop update and a bunch of pictures up very soon!

Sage Sammons can be reached at All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.

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