Sage: Harvest is all in the Bin…at least for me - All Aboard Harvest

Sage: Harvest is all in the Bin…at least for me

Another year is in the books and it has been a year I will never forget.  From starting strong in Holliday, Texas to a rain day or two in Floydada, Texas to too many rain days in Dumas, Texas.  Then we had a very quick run in Last Chance, Colo., but still managed to meet a bunch of new people and see old friends.  Now we are in Montana where we have worked side-by-side with John Deere’s, cut swaths because of sawfly and are getting ready to harvest our farm in Cut Bank.  It has truly been a great summer.

From the beginning I knew this was going to be a very different year, But all in all it has been a successful and fun summer.  Yes there have been low points, and most of those are well documented, but I persevered and prevailed, mostly because of all the support I have had all summer long.  I will be eternally grateful to everyone who kept my sister and I in their thoughts during my specific tough time.

Everyone knows that I was blogging on the website, which got picked up by the High Plains Journal.  But some people don’t know that I did radio interviews as well.  Those were really fun.  From North Dakota to Kansas to Texas, there were some really cool disc jockeys I got to talk with.

The High Plains Journal is very innovative in creating the blog.  During the second year they involved more writers, all with a different perspective.  I am very appreciative of getting a chance to show people my harvest and what we do here at Sammons Adventures Harvesting.  I would like to thank everyone at the High Plains Journal for giving me a chance to tell my story.  I would also like to thank those same people for all the hard work they put into the All Aboard Harvest project.  The writers are the people who get all the attention but there are so many people behind the scenes that do so much.  Thank you very much to all of you, doing what you do best.

I would also like to thank all of our sponsors.  Without them, All Aboard Harvest wouldn’t be possible.  I would like to thank DuPont specifically because of all the interviews they set up and hard work they did.  From radio stations to newspapers they were able to get the word out about the harvest coming through, and it gave me a chance to talk about what we are doing and maybe getting some people interested in the harvest who didn’t know about it before.  It is definitely a great time of year that everyone needs to know about and appreciate.

The last group of people I would like to thank are the readers.  You kept me true in every sense.  From all of your comments to learning stories about what f you do, I was inspired.  I really appreciate you for taking time out of your busy days to hear my story and read what I had to say.  The Agriculture industry is full of a very special breed of people; wholesome people that can see the big picture and truly care about people.  My opinion of that was just reinforced many times this season.

Throughout the year, I was extremely busy, which can explain my inconsistency between blogs.  For that I apologize.  I definitely underestimated the number of people that share my love for harvest and follow it so closely.  If I weren’t on harvest I would be following it very closely too!

For me it is now time to return to school.  I will miss the harvest greatly, as it is my favorite season.  But just as the seasons change, harvest was bound to be over at some point.  I will never forget all the memories from this year and all the people I have met.  I am truly blessed to have met some great people and even more blessed that they wanted to hear my story.

Sage Sammons can be reached at All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop

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