Emma: Visitors Galore! - All Aboard Harvest

Emma: Visitors Galore!

The Misener family is very fortunate to have so many friends. We had a few days of visitors galore last week. Sam, Teresa and their little girl Anna came out for a couple of days and Marty, who was here last year also came out with Josh, Sarah and Sabastian. Matt and his bride-to-be Jenny were also here. It was so much fun to have each and every one of them here. We hope they come back soon to visit us along our harvest journey. Here are some pics.

(L to R) Matt and Jenny, little Elizabeth, Sarah, Dan, Sabastian and Josh

Me, Sarah, and little Elizabeth

Sarah learning to drive the combine! Good job Sarah! Maybe there’s a future combine driver? 😉

Thank you ALL for coming. We always enjoy the company!

Be safe and God bless!

Emma can be reached at emma@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2011 is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.


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