Emma: When it Rains, It Pours in Oklahoma - All Aboard Harvest

Emma: When it Rains, It Pours in Oklahoma

Rain in the middle of harvest isn’t typically a word you like to hear, but for this Okie—it is heaven.

Last week meteorologists were predicting a 10 to 60 percent chance of rain, and no two weather stations predicted the same forecast. Keeping an eye on the weather was not our priority, but the rain obviously came.

Big storm rollin' in

Dusk before the Storm

Last pass before the rain
This was the last round we had to take to finish the field, and it was just in time!

We stayed in the field as long as we possibly could, and we got a bit wet. I should say, soaked. When it rains it pours. We had just finished the field and we started to feel a few slight drops and then to a full fledged downpour in about a 10 minute span. Unloading the last few bushes of wheat, tarping the trucks, parking combines, and running for the pickup truck turned out to be more of a challenge than anticipated.  We did make it to the pickup and even got the semis out of the field before getting stuck. If you’ve ever been on an Oklahoma country road you know that when it rains, you best be getting off the road unless you plan to be there awhile. Especially in a loaded semi.

The combines in the rain

Unloading into the Grain Cart at Night

We all made it to the safety of the shed before the hail started. Luckily it was only pea sized, if that, and we were lucky. Other farmers in the area I hear were not as lucky.

Semi in the rain

The guys studying how much rain we're getting.
(L to R) Farmer Kent, my brother Dan, Vincent, and my cousin Lee

We waited out the downpour in the shed for about 30 minutes. I can imagine what was going through our farmer Kent’s mind, because it was going through mine. “Lord, please don’t let it hail too much.”

Lee posing
Lee striking a pose, showing us how wet he is!

Lee, Vincent and I wet from head to toe!
Lee, Vincent and I soaked to the bone!

Hopefully we’ll be out in the fields making rounds again soon. And if God wants to send us some more rain, I’ll say, bring it on.

Be safe and God bless!

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta
Emma can be reached at emma@allaboardharvest.com

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