Z Crew: A Little Bit Of Everything - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: A Little Bit Of Everything


Limon, CO- We started cutting around Limon on Monday, and haven’t really stopped since. It’s been boiling outside. No, literally, boiling. We’ve been seeing the thermometer reach about 104 everyday. Like we said earlier, we really are speeding through our acres. We’ll probably be done today with the acres we have lined up.

The wheat has been averaging between 25 to 30 bushels. The test weight has been around the 61 pound mark, while the protein is eight to 10 percent. It is very dry, only about eight percent moisture. Mom said that the straw basically turns to dust when it goes through the combine.

Yesterday, Mom had to take Taylor to Salina, Kansas, so that they could meet up with a school group that is going to San Antonio, Texas for FBLA Nationals. Now, this is where the downsides of harvest start to show through. It would’ve been much easier to have the entire group to just leave from home; unfortunately, we have to find ways to work around stuff like this. I guess it comes with the job.

We’ve also been seeing the effects around here of the wildfires, which are only about 80 miles away. Smoke in the air makes for some beautiful sunsets. It was an odd feeling to walk outside one night and be able to smell the smoke. Hopefully this heat will let up and it will rain. This state needs it.

Z Crew

Each of these mile long strips of wheat have a little over a hundred acres.

Z Crew

That’s not a storm cloud- that’s smoke!

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Another look at the smoke cloud.

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One of the many pretty sunsets.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. The Zeorian Crew can be reached at zeorian@allaboardharvest.com.

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