Z Crew: Staying Busy on Rain Days - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: Staying Busy on Rain Days

headshot2Shattuck, OK: Custom Cutting is the kind of business where you work according to the weather. Sunday night we had a heavy, 2 inch rain. Since then, every evening seems to bring a drizzle, just enough to keep us down for the following day. Tuesday night it seemed to drizzle most of the evening so more than likely we’ll be down for at least a couple more days.

Rain days are only good for one thing and that is having a reason to go do something. Anything. Monday evening, the Misener Crew invited us down to Elk City for steaks. What great company! We’ve been tremendously blessed to be acquainted with their family over the years. Emma has a couple pictures that I’m sure she’ll share! From playing on the giant rainbow swing set that Dan built and Emma painted, to sharing a great meal with such wonderful friends, we had a fantastic evening.

Tuesday brought the hope we could get back into the field. After driving with Dad to observe a couple different fields, we decided it was still too wet to cut. After returning the the trailer, we picked up Callie and drove south of Higgins, Texas to look at a field we picked up through a High Plains Journal reader! The country was beautiful but the roads are narrow and dangerous. Because of the oil boom in the area, the roads are always busy with large semis, eager to arrive at the destination. This poses an issue for large, slow moving equipment like combines and tractors. We took a few extra hours in Higgins talking to a few locals to figure out a back road rout to bring in the combine. After driving the dirt roads back to Shattuck, we decided to spend our evening in Woodward. A trip to the superstore, dinner at Dan’s Steakhouse and ice cream from Braum’s was a great treat! I’m anxious to see how we’ll keep ourselves busy for the next few days while we wait for the wheat to dry!

Z Crew: Shattuck, OK Field
Dad (Jim Zeorian) walks out into a field near Shattuck, Okla.

Z Crew: Oklahoma on the left, Texas on the Right
A dirt road on the border with Oklahoma on the left and Texas on the right.

Z Crew: Higgins, TX Field
Dad inspects a field south of Higgins, Texas.

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.

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