Z Crew: Rolling Along - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: Rolling Along

headshot2Shattuck, Oklahoma: The rain has finally ceased and the crew has been in the field for the last four days. Our 500 acre job in Shattuck has almost come to an end. We should be finished here late today or sometime tomorrow. Once our acres around Shattuck have all been cut, the combine will be driven 20 miles west to Higgins, Texas were we’ll be cutting around 150 acres.

Callie and I have kept ourselves busy cooking and cleaning. When we just can’t take it in the trailer house any more, we’ll drive to the local Sonic between 2pm-4pm for Happy Hour Half Priced Drinks! We can’t resist a vanilla Dr. Pepper! Saturday afternoon we drove to Woodward and kept ourselves occupied by walking around Walmart for about four hours! We’re desperate to stay busy!

Tomorrow we look forward to some company! Conrad Weaver, of the Wheat Harvest Movie, and his son Spencer will be spending a few days with the Z Crew filming and doing interviews. Finally a change of pace!

The wind and heat here in Oklahoma is relentless and it’s looking to get even hotter throughout the week. Fingers crossed we don’t run into any issues and we can wrap up here and move North with the rest of custom cutters!

Z Crew: Windy and Dirty in the Field
The cab of the combine is the best way to escape the wind, dirt and heat. I can’t imagine what it was like for my great grandpa sitting on the combine when it wasn’t enclosed in a cab!
Z Crew: Jim Zeorian Fueling the Combine
Jim Zeorian stands on top of the combine as it’s fueled up for the day.
Z Crew: Unloading the Combine
The combine unloads into the Frank on the dirt road by the field.
Z Crew: Grain Elevator in Shattuck
Other than the Frank, the Shattuck elevator rarely has another visitor.
Z Crew: Taking a Sample of Wheat from the Frank
The probe at the grain elevator takes a sample of wheat from the truck and is then tested for moisture, weight, dockage because of foreign matter and sometimes protein.
Z Crew: Pink Sunset

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.

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