Z Crew: A Day-by-Day Rundown - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: A Day-by-Day Rundown

headshot2Garden City, Kansas: The last few days have been full of driving, cooking, doing dishes, and getting lost in the Kansas countryside. In order to keep everything in ….order, I’m going to give you a quick day-by-day rundown followed by a lot of pictures.

Friday June 28: Our visitors, Conrad and Spencer Weaver of the Wheat Harvest Movie arrived early in the morning to film our trip North. Dad, Conrad, and I ran the first trip of equipment to Garden City, Kan. We made it safely, unloaded in the heat, and were eaten alive by flies. They’re terrible! We were immediately greeted by friends and fellow combiners in the area at the farm. We drove back to Shattuck, Okla. and picked up Callie, Mom, and Spencer and drove to Canadian, Texas to eat at the Cattle Exchange for supper.

Saturday June 29: We all woke up bright and early and headed with the rest of the menagerie for Garden City. Right outside of Dodge City, Kan. we blew a tire on the car trailer Mom was pulling behind the Frank. Dad changed the tire and we were back on the road in no time at all. We made it to Garden City early in the afternoon, set up camp, unloaded the Frank and drove into town for lunch. After lunch, Dad and Mom went right to work in the field! That evening, Conrad and Spencer planned to film supper in the field. After the meatballs took two extra hours to cook, I had to turn the pickup around halfway to the field because I thought I forgot to shut off the oven, and the corn spilled all over the back seat of the new pickup. We made it to the field just in time to see the sun go down. Even with a day full of unfortunate events, it was hard to sit in the field and watch a beautiful sunset and feel upset.

Sunday June 30: First things first, Callie and I had to go fishing. We’re staying in the country and there’s a nice fishing pond by the trailer. Callie caught a little catfish and we panicked after we realized we had no idea how to take it off of the hook! After a phone call to Mom, we got it figured out. With Dad, Mom and Conrad in the field, Callie, Spencer and I cleaned the trailer, did dishes and watched movies. While taking lunch out to the field, the muffler on the little old Dodge Dynasty basically fell out of the bottom of the car. After Dad came to the rescue, the meal made it to the field safely.

Mom’s brother and his family came to visit from Florida! It was great to have more company. Supper was taken out to the field and the families ate, chatted, and rode in the combine.

Monday July 1: Conrad and Spencer left early this morning. Callie and I drove the Dynasty to the Muffler Stop in Garden City so we didn’t have to endure the embarrassment of driving around the little white car without a muffler. David Merz, who fixed the car and owns the Muffler Stop, is a follower of the All Aboard Tour and even had a High Plains Journal sitting on his counter! Callie and I were both impressed. We took lunch out to the field and spent our last couple of hours with our uncle, aunt and cousins. After all of our company left, Callie and I ran to Garden City for some shopping, settled on taking Hot Ham and Cheese to the field for supper and rode in the combine for a few turns.

Z Crew: First Trip - On the Road to Garden City
The first trip to Garden City, following the semi.

Z Crew: First Trip - Arrival in GC
I didn’t have time to shut off the truck before our greeting party arrived.

Z Crew: First Trip - Our Greeting Party
It was nice to see some familiar faces as soon as we pulled into the farm yard.

Z Crew: A Farewell Sunset
A setting sun over the Shattuck Wind Mill Museum.

Z Crew: the Girls
Our final evening in Oklahoma was spent in Canadian, Texas for dinner at the Cattle Exchange.

Z Crew: Drove to Canadian, TX for Supper
Callie and I outside of the Cattle Exchange.

Z Crew: Camera Crew in the Field
Our first dinner in the field was shared with the Wheat Harvest Movie camera crew.

Z Crew: A Field of Lights
Callie captured this awesome shot of the combine dumping into the semi.

Z Crew: Taylor and Callie Enjoying the Show
Me and Callie enjoyed spending such a wonderful evening in the field. We’ve been blessed with temp’s in the low 80’s.

Z Crew: Wake Up, Fish
Woke up on Sunday morning and walked out the door to go fishing.

Z Crew: Callie's Big Catch
Callie’s first big catch was a catfish!

Z Crew: the Day the Dynasty Lost the Muffler
On the way to the field with lunch, the muffler on the Dodge Dynasty fell off, of course.

Z Crew: Stompin' Ant Hills
Callie waited for Dad to wire up the muffler by stomping on ant hills.

Z Crew: A Welcoming Sunset
From one state to the next, I never get tired of these sunsets.

Z Crew: Taylor and Callie
Me and Callie in the field enjoying time with our family.

Z Crew: the Muffler Stop
The Muffler Stop in Garden City.

Z Crew: Lunch in the Field
Caleb, Rebeka (our cousins) and Callie sit in the back of the pickup and wait for lunch.

Z Crew: the Perfect Harvest Day
The perfect harvest day with a high of 91.

Z Crew: Big Yellow and Frank
Big Yellow and Frank

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.


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