Z Crew: 4th of July and the Last Eighty Acres - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: 4th of July and the Last Eighty Acres

headshot2Garden City, Kansas: Since our company has left, the days have once again began to run together. I was looking at the calendar today and couldn’t believe it was already the 8th of July. I could’ve swore we were celebrating Independence Day just yesterday!

Mom and Dad have been working hard to get the wheat here outside of Garden City out in a timely manner. Thursday morning, Miss America 2011 Teresa Scanlan came to the field with the Great American Wheat Harvest documentary to do a little filming. When the filming crew left, Callie and I returned to the trailer to watch an All-Day Marathon of the 1960’s television show “Gidget.” After Mom and Dad worked all day through the Fourth of July, we barbecued a quick dinner and shot off a few fireworks and it was already midnight!

Friday, we ran into green wheat in the last 80 acres. Saturday and Sunday were spent relaxing after a busy week and we caught a movie matinee in Garden City.

Today, Monday, Mom and Dad were able to get back into the field to finish cutting our last bit of wheat. They walked through the door at 11p.m. to report the end of our work here at Stop #2. I imagine we’ll be moving to our next stop (Limon, Colorado) as soon as possible because we’re looking forward to more company at the end of the week!!!

Z Crew: Riding in the Combine
After taking supper out to the field, I took a ride in the combine with Dad.

Z Crew: the combine driver
I can honestly say there is no where else I’d rather spend my evenings than in the combine with my dad.

Z Crew: Sunset over the pond
Callie, Mom and I have spent the last few evenings on the pond next to our trailer fishing for catfish.

Z Crew: Craft Time!
Callie and I used our creative genes and surplus of boredom to design some clothes for the 4th of July.

Z Crew: Taylor, Teresa and Callie
Taylor, Teresa Scanlan, and Callie pose for a picture on the 4th.

Z Crew: Kansas Drought
The dried up pond and what used to be Deerfield Beach.

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.


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