Z Crew: Combine Delivered Safe and Sound to Kansas - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: Combine Delivered Safe and Sound to Kansas

headshot2Manley, NE (Home): Last Wednesday and Thursday Dad and I made the almost nine hour drive to Garden City, Kansas to deliver the combine to our first stop. We made it to Kansas with no issues and turned right around to head back to Nebraska. Great Bend, Kansas is all the farther we made it on Wednesday night due to heavy storms and strong winds. We continued down the road on Thursday and made it home late in the afternoon. It was a quick and easy trip. Exactly what we’d hoped for!

Over the last few days Mom has been busy packing up the trailer house. Mom and Dad hope to travel to Kansas with the rest of fleet tomorrow. Callie, Jamie, Eli and I plan to help with some finishing touches tomorrow and maybe see Mom and Dad off for the summer.

Jenna left on Saturday morning for her first farm show of the season. She’s in Kentucky for the next few weeks. And I’m sure at this point you’re wondering why Callie and I aren’t heading down with Mom and Dad tomorrow. Callie has a school trip to Nashville June 26th – July 3rd. As soon as she returns to Nebraska we’ll pack up and meet Mom and Dad wherever they are.

Although I’m itching to be on the road, I’ve never been in Nebraska this late into the season. I’m experiencing all kinds of activities I’ve always missed (and I know Callie’s enjoying the extra time with her friends). Omaha hosts the College World Series so I plan to attend a game tomorrow night and I’m also looking forward to a wedding this weekend that I had originally thought I’d have to miss. So far it’s been a strange summer. I’m ready to get back into some normalcy soon!

Z Crew: Taylor selfie
But first, let me take a selfie before I hit the road!

Z Crew: Storm on the field
Storms over the fields aren’t doing much good for the crops now.

Z Crew: Tennis Elevator
Tennis Elevator, north of Garden City, is one of the elevators we haul grain to during the harvest season in Kansas.

Z Crew: Finally made it
Just like last year, as soon as we pulled up to the farm we had company to greet us.

Z Crew: Storm rolling in
The storm clouds rolled in as Dad and I unloaded the equipment.

Z Crew: Meeting at the shop
Before we hit the road headed home we stopped at the Scherrer boys’ shop. They are fellow harvesters we met at a job in Hobbs, N.M.

Z Crew: Impending doom
The clouds changed by the minute! They looked pretty scary and brought in some incredible winds.

Z Crew: Garden City wind
As we drove through Garden City the wind blew dirt into the streets making it difficult to see.

Z Crew: Lightning Strike
The drive to Great Bend, Kansas was illuminated by lightning almost the entire drive.

Z Crew: Clear skies home
Thursday brought clear skies and perfect driving conditions! 

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture.

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