An Unexpected Passenger - All Aboard Harvest

An Unexpected Passenger

North Texas: It should come as no surprise that with all the miles our crew covers, one has the opportunity to see a lot of wildlife.  We try to respect their space, keep the wild things wild and the domestic things domestic.  But one day while in Texas, Willem nearly went over the top of a baby fawn in the field with his header. You can only imagine how horrific this could have been. So, his only option was to move it out of the way of the workers and place it in a safer location.

There’s always a risk when moving baby animals, but the alternative wasn’t a good one either.  The story has a happy ending and mother and baby were reunited and headed out of field together!  If deer can tell stories, I’m sure this little fawn had a big whopper for its mother!   

HPH - 2016 - Texas

Willem with his new buddy! (Photo Credit: Willem)

HPH - 2016 - Texas

Its a little hard to make out, but in the center of the photo you can see the mother deer leading the fawn out of the wheat field. (Photo Credit: Willem)

Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. You can contact Laura at


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