Laura: Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children – Part 2 – The Gals - All Aboard Harvest

Laura: Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children – Part 2 – The Gals

North Texas – This year we also had the opportunity to not only to host young but but also the women of the Baptist Home for Girls in Madill, Oklahoma. As a woman in agriculture, I couldn’t have been more pleased to share the experience with a group of young women because, after all, agriculture isn’t just for men!

The girls, Jaymie, Hailey, and Kaylynn, their host parents Dexter, Reighna, and children, and Michael (the man behind the 10 Acre Challenge) and his son, could not have joined us on a more beautiful morning in Texas. It was overcast with just the right amount of breeze that kept the insects away. The 80 degree temperatures were a stark contrast to the 100s we had been experiencing and held until about lunch.

We had an early start, so the machines were already in the field when the ladies arrived. We got to know the girls while we waited for equipment to roll in. The group got to sit in the semi, try the horns, and practice rolling the tarp. Next everyone got a turn at sitting in the combine and learning about the technology inside the cab. We also discussed the Shelbourne headers and why a farmer might choose it for their operation. Finally, the ladies got a ride in the tractor and some even chose to take advantage of the opportunity to drive. This seemed to be a highlight of the morning!

I offered to make lunch for the group, but Michael kindly agreed to pick something up for everyone. Let’s just say we were absolutely spoiled and it will be hard for my field meals to measure up to that treat. Everyone enjoyed a Mexican food feast that won’t soon be forgotten. Thanks, OBHC!!!

I learned a lot from visiting with each of our guests and enjoyed it immensely. In our conversations, I learned that the house parents are no strangers to the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children. Dexter’s parents were house parents themselves. Reighna was once a young woman in the care of the Baptist Home for Girls for several years. Dexter and Reighna met, were eventually married, attended college and now have two sweet little boys. They recently came back to the Home in Madill, but this time as house parents. Isn’t that an amazing story?

Click the hyperlinks to learn more about the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children or Baptist Home for Girls. The girls have some unique opportunities to work with animals on their ranch, participate in school, extracurricular activities, church groups, and community service. If you are interested in learning how to serve with time, talent, or monetary donation, visit their website through one of the links on this post. Thanks again to the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children for allowing us to be involved in your ministry. It has been a great experience to meet your youth!

High Plains Harvesting 2018 (Laura)
Watching the tractor and grain cart return from the field. (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018 (Laura)
Ryan demonstrating how to roll the tarp. (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018 (Laura)
Learning the ropes. (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018 (Laura)
Everyone who wanted a turn got one! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018 (Laura)
Including this little guy! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018 (Laura)
Taking turns in the truck. (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting (Laura)
Look how happy he is! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
Tractor operator in training? Never know where life might lead! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
She was totally rocking it! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
More passengers in the tractor. This little fella really cozied up to me when he learned I was in charge of the tractor rides! Little did he know it is rare I’m in a piece of equipment these days so this was a treat for me too! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
Host parents, Dexter and Reighna! Don’t you just love their story! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
Michael, the man behind the 10 Acre Challenge, coordinating visits and our amazing lunch! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
Lunch in the field. (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018
Fuel trailer can also serve as great buffets! (Photo credit: Laura)

High Plains Harvesting
Such a nice group of visitors! Thanks, Dan, for taking this photo!

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura can be reached at


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