Laura: Harvest moves north and different worlds - All Aboard Harvest

Laura: Harvest moves north and different worlds

Western Kansas: While the crew played musical combines—also known as moving to the next area—I took the opportunity to head home to tackle July’s paperwork. Recent rain held them up for a short time, but hot temperatures and no precipitation in the forecast will make for some big harvest days this week.

I’ve had several people ask recently if I like being able to come home in the middle of the run since we’re centrally located. While I wait for my last load of laundry to dry before I hit the trail again, I thought I’d sit down and answer the question. The answer is yes. I do like coming home. It gives us the best of both worlds but it does take some effort to maneuver though.

We operate on two different times. Harvest time and home time. On the road, there are no set schedules and time revolves around things like the sun, weather, dry wheat and elevator hours. We eat when we eat and sleep when we sleep. It is easy to lose track of days because everything revolves around the urgency of harvest.

At home, things can’t be nearly as loose. There are schedules, practice times, business hours of 8 to 5, and well, you get the idea. Our two worlds couldn’t be more different. And quite frankly, they aren’t always easy to merge and there is usually a small transition each time we pass from one to another. I spend the summer living out of a half packed bag to save a little time. It takes a lot to clean and care for our road home and our home-home each time we come and go. I enjoy the creature comforts of home like a full-sized shower and a dishwasher. I’m thankful to reconnect with family and friends when it works. I also appreciate the adventures the children and I find on the trail, the sun setting into the wheat, and meeting new people. It’s a crazy combination for sure.

Well, I’m off to finish packing. Time to bounce between the worlds.

High Plains Harvesting 2019
Slipped into the shop for a little service before hitting the road again. There are always plenty of errands when we’re back!

High Plains Harvesting 2019
Weeding is always on the the to-do list at home. This time I needed to freshen up the mulch as well.

High Plains Harvesting 2019
Some weather moved through the other night.

High Plains Harvesting 2019
My folks gave me a set of duffel bags for Christmas my senior year. That’s been a few years and this one is still hanging in there. I wonder how many miles and adventures it’s been with me?

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura Haffner can be reached at

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